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Tropical Zoo Plants

 supplying zoos & aquariums​​​​​

Statements from customers

Zoo Zlin, The Czech Republic

With the pavilion having to look like a natural forest environment, we tried to fulfil this very arduous project in collaboration with various professional foreign companies. Out of approximately 55 companies in Europe and overseas, it was only one company that was capable of delivering plants in more or less requested range, i.e. the Danish company Tropical Zoo Plants, Lars Bo Kjeldstrøm. 

Collaboration with this company, whose base and tropical plant nursery in Costa Rica we had visited, was very good and reliable. Plants to be delivered were prepared in the tropical plant nursery in the village of Aqua Zarcas and transported through Limón in two large-space containers to Rotterdam and there from to ZOO Zlín on trucks. 

Import of plants took place in accordance to all principles and regulations set out by administrative authorities of Costa Rica and the State Phytosanitary Administration, Czech Republic. 

We can recommend collaboration with the above-mentioned company to all zoological gardens for its proficiency and reliability. 

Universeum, Jan Westin, Vetenskaplig ledare:

"Tropical Zoo Plants, genom Lars Bo Kjeldstrøm, spelade en avgörende roll vid skapandet av Universeums sydamerikanska regnskog. Genom sitt stora kunnande, trevliga sätt och goda kontaktnät har han under många år varit en mycket god samarbetspartner til Universeum. Lars Bo var en ovärderlig kunskapskälla vid skapandet av de fysiska förutsättningarna för växterna under planerandet och byggandet av vår regnskogsavdelning på 18.000 m3.

Det är till stor del tack vare Tropical Zoo Plants som Universeum nu kan skryta med att ha närmare 1.000 neotropiska växtarter. Lars Bo sammanförde oss med Monte Verde Institutet och anlade tilsammans med dem en planskola där fröer och sticklingar kultiverades. Därefter ombesörjde han transporten av växterna till Sverige och Universeum och deltog också i planteringen av dem.
Tropical Zoo Plants har även levererat många växter till Universeum från andra källor än plantskolan i Monte Verde - alltid med mycketgott resultat."

English translation

"Tropical Zoo Plants and Lars Bo Kjeldstrøm in person, played a significant role in the creation of the South American Rainforest of UNIVERSEUM. With his great knowledge, personality and extensive network he has been a very good partner for UNIVERSEUM. Lars Bo was a valuable source of experience while creating the physical frames during planning and construction of our Rainforest Exhibit of 18.000 m3.

For a great part we can thank Tropical Zoo Plants that we now proudly present close to 1000 neotropical plant species. Lars Bo initiated our contact to the Monteverde Institute and together we started a nursery project where local seeds and cuttings were cultivated. Lars Bo also took care of permits and transport to Sweden and UNIVERSEUM and also participated in the planting.

Tropical Zoo Plants furthermore delivered a lot of plants for UNIVERSEUM from other sources than the nursery i Monte Verde - allways with success."

Karsten Bjerrum Nielsen, M.Sc.
Udstillings- & formidlingschef - Director of exhibits

”Jeg er yderst tilfreds med samarbejdet med Tropical Zoo Plants.
Vi har ikke selv den fornødne ekspertise om tropiske planter i organisationen, og derfor er det vigtigt at kunne trække på den meget store faglige ekspertise som Lars bo kan tilbyde.
Vi har en fast serviceaftale, hvor vi med regelmæssige mellemrum får tilset vores planter, og desuden har vi ofte brugt Tropical Zoo Plants som sparringspartner omkring botaniske spørgsmål/problemer.
Lars Bo har altid øjnene åbne for nye spændende planter til brug på Kattegatcentret, når han er på rejse til gartnerierne i Costa Rica, hvilket vi har haft stor glæde af i forhold til at erhverve de helt rigtige arter.
Kombinationen af meget høj faglighed og fokus på kundens behov gør Tropical Zoo Plants til en ideel samarbejdspartner for os”
Færgevej 4, 8500 Grenaa, Denmark
Tlf./phone: +45 87 58 05 21
Mobil/cell: +45 30 25 15 51
Fax: +45 86 32 72 00 
KATTEGATCENTRETFærgevej 4, 8500 Grenaa, Denmark

English translation

"I am very pleased with the cooperation with Tropical Zoo Plants.

As we among the staff do not have the expertise about tropical plants it is important for us to benefit from the big knowlegde on tropical plants which is provided by Lars Bo.

We have made an agreement on plant service and we have often asked Tropical Zoo Plants for further advice on any plant problem.

Lars Bo has always on his fieldtrips to Costa Rica his eyes open for new valuable plants for our exhibit on Kattegatcentret, which we have benefitted from by chosing the correct species for us.

The combination of high level of knowlegde and the focus on our needs as customers makes Tropical Zoo Plants an ideal collaborator for us."